
Intellectual Property & Business Litigation

Ihl-Pyo Hong Attorney at Law

Attorney at Law

  • Areas of Practice

    - Civil Litigation
    - Administrative Litigation
    - Patent Litigation
    - Commercial Law
    - Bankruptcy Law
  • Education & Career

    - Seoul National University, College of Law (LL.B.)
    - Seoul National University, Graduate School of Law (Salutatorian)
    - Seoul National University, Graduate School of Law Department (LL.M.)
    - Harvard Law School (LL.M.)
    - Yale Law School (Visiting Scholar)
    - Judge, Seoul Criminal District Court
    - Judge, Eastern Branch Court, Seoul District Court
    - Chief Judge, Youngdong Branch Court, Chungjoo District Court
    - Judge, Seoul High Court
    - Law Researcher, Supreme Court of Korea
    - Presiding Judge, Busan District Court
    - Professor, Judicial Research and Training Institute
    - Presiding Judge, Seoul Criminal District Court
    - Chief Librarian, Court Library
    - Presiding Judge, Seoul Civil District Court
    - Presiding Judge, Busan High Court
    - Head Professor, Judicial Research and Training Institute
    - Presiding Judge, Seoul High Court
    - Chief Judge, Chungjoo District Court
    - President, Seoul Administrative Court
    - President, Patent Court
    - President, Judicial Research and Training Institute
    - Member, National Election Commission
    - Member, Legislation Committee of Seoul Bar Association
    - Member, Committee for Research on the Evaluation of the Judicial System of Korean Bar Association
  • Books and Publications

    - "Commentary on Civil Code," Vol. 1 (co-authored), Bakyoung-sa
    - "A Study of Problems relating to Reorganization Claims, Secured Reorganization Claims and Claims for the Common Benefit under the Corporate Reorganization Act" (1972)
    - "A Comparative Study of American and Korean Corporate Reorganization Laws" (1979)
    - "Right to Appeal Arising from Contravention of Judicial Precedent and Principle of Stare Decisis under the Common Law System"
    - "Provisional Injunctive Relief Enjoining Repayment and Delay of Performance under the Corporate Reorganization Act"
    - "The Meaning of 'When Legal Interest Is Infringed' under Article 18(1) of the Act on Disclosure of Information by Public Institutions"

