
Intellectual Property & Business Litigation

Kyoung-chul Kim Attorney at Law

Attorney at Law

  • Education & Career

    - Aug. 1997 : Completed of the Master's course of Laws (Administrative Law), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
    - Completed 2-year mandatory and non-degree program at the Judicial Research and Training Institute attached to The Supreme Court of Korea
    Licensed as a lawyer
    - Bachelor of Law, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
    - Judge, Daegu District Court
    - Judge, Daegu Western Branch Court of Daegu District Court
    - Judge, Daegu District Court
    - Judge, Daegu High Court
    - Visiting Scholar, Vienna University in Austria
    - Judge, Gyeongju Branch Court of Daegu District Court
    - Judge, Daegu District Court
    - Prosecutor, Incheon District Public Prosecutors Office
    - Prosecutor, Gyeongju Branch Office of Daegu District Public Prosecutors Office
    - Prosecutor, Busan District Public Prosecutors Office

